July 26, 2024
Manchester Education Foundation - Ohio
Manchester Education Foundation
Proudly Helping Manchester Students and Facility Since 2013


Did you know?

We hold various fundraisers throughout the year. These fundraisers play a large role in funding our programs. We offer a wide range of events through out the year that always result into a great time for everyone! Please check out our calendar of events and see which ones you can attend. We will see you there.

If you need more information or wish to purchase tickets, please contact us at manchestereducationfoundation@gmail.com.

Can't Attend?
If you can't attend any of our fundraisers, please check out our donations page for how you can support education in your district!

Fundraising Calendar of Events

Check back for this year's events.
"Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family." -- Kofi Annan
Content copyright 2013 - 2024. Manchester Education Foundation. All rights reserved.