January 14, 2025
Manchester Education Foundation - Ohio
Manchester Education Foundation
Proudly Helping Manchester Students and Facility Since 2013

Frequently Asked Questions

When did the Manchester Education Foundation start?
The MEF was incorporated with the State of Ohio in October of 2012, and registered with the IRS in January of 2013. The Foundation received their charitable 501(c)(3) designation from the IRS in June of 2014.

Is the Foundation affiliated with, or under the control of, the Manchester Board of Education?
No, the Foundation is a private, non-profit entity that is not under the guidance or auspices of the MLSD Board Of Education. The Foundation and the MLSD Board do have the same mission however; to further the education of the students of Manchester, and in that regard the Foundation seeks to work closely with the School Board, principals and educators of the district. Dr. James Robinson, the superintendent of the MLSD, holds an ex-officio position on the Foundation Board and has a single vote, just as the other MEF board members do, when decisions are made regarding the Foundation.

Who runs the Foundation?
The Foundation is managed by a board of directors made up of 10-12 residents of Manchester, alumni of the MLSD, and business owners in and around the community. You can read a short bio of each of the current board members here. If you would like to contact the board, please send an email to manchestereducationfoundation@gmail.com.

Are donations to the Foundation tax deductible?
Yes, the Foundation received IRS charitable 501(c)(3) designation in the summer of 2014. Therefore, as with any qualified charitable organization, donations are deductible if you itemize deductions on your taxes. Please consult your tax adviser for more information.

Will my donation be used to pay for operating costs of the district?
No, the funds that the Foundation raises will go only to scholarships for graduating students and direct classroom grants for educators of the district. The Foundation is also intending to build an endowment fund so that future revenue from the endowment can be used to fund scholarships, grants, and educational opportunities for the community. Please email manchestereducationfoundation@gmail.com if you would like to make a special donation or legacy gift to help establish such a fund.

Will my donation be used for political causes?
No, as a 501(c)(3) organization the Foundation must be cautious about our involvement in political issues, let we lose Charitable Organization status with the IRS. The Foundation therefore takes no stance on any political issue, whether it be community laws or regulations, a school levy, or the election of School Board members. However, we do encourage all residents to take part in the political process and help make the best choices for our community's educational needs!

Will my donation help the band or any of the sports teams?
No, the funds that the Foundation raises will go directly for scholarships for graduating students and direct classroom grants for educators of the district. The Foundation is aware that Manchester has excellent support for the music and sports programs in Manchester through the Manchester Music Booster and Manchester Football organizations. The intent of the Foundation is to primarily support educators who do not have access to this kind of support... after all, there is no "Biology Boosters" or "Algebra Support" organization for teachers to turn to!

Are there other organizations in Manchester like yours?
Yes, there are a number of organizations that support education in the MLSD. The Kaderly Foundation supports education, community, and youth organizations in the district. They also give scholarships to deserving MHS graduates. Also, the Manchester Alumni Association raises funds to support Alumni activities and also provides scholarships to MHS graduates. However, our Foundation is unique in that we focus on education, and give out both scholarships and classroom grants to the educators of the district.

How many scholarships do you give out?
The Foundation Board gave out our first scholarships, in the amount of $1,500, in the Spring of 2013. In 2014, due to the fantastic support that the community gave to our MadHatter 5k fundraiser, and through direct donations, we were able to increase our scholarships to four $1000 scholarships! In 2015 we were able to again increase our scholarships up to a total of $5000. In 2016 we were able to also give out $5000 is scholarships, bringing our lifetime total to $15,500. We specifically target students who may otherwise fall through the cracks when it comes to financial aid for continuing education. Please visit our Scholarships page for more information.

What kind of grants do you give?
The Foundation has given out seven rounds of grant monies so far, one in each semester since August of 2013. A total of 56 educators have had their classroom grant requests either completely or partially fulfilled, for a total of $12,236! Unfortunately, there are dozens of worthy grant requests that we have been unable to fill simply because we do not have the funding. To see the list of grants that were most recently awarded or, if you are educator in Manchester, to apply for a 2017 grant, please visit our Classroom Grants page.

How can I help?
Manchester has a long and proud tradition of supporting education in the community, and the Foundation relies on this generous support. There are two main ways that you can help; by supporting our annual fundraisers and by direct monetary donations. Interested individuals can also help staff our fundraisers, send out donation letters, and manage the logistics of running the Foundation. If you would like more information on how you can help, please email manchestereducationfoundation@gmail.com and thank you for your support!

"The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next." -- Abraham Lincoln
Content copyright 2013 - 2025. Manchester Education Foundation. All rights reserved.